We believe that the learning environment is very important to the children, especially in their early years. Besides the warm caring and the experiences of the teachers and the staffs, an ideal environment for an all-round development should include games, activities, study areas inside the class as well as in nature to develop the intelligence, emotions, personality and physical aspects of a child. In other words, a learning environment shows the children things they can do, how they can achieve those things, where they can work on it and how they can cooperate. That is also a place where they can sing excitedly and joyfully, is a place to explore, dream and experience...


An extensive garden and a swimming pool along with challenging and attractive exercise games. The fully-lit cozy classrooms are equipped with school supplies and various toys. The library with colorful book shelves and soft sofas is a place for the kids to soak themselves in and create a habit to read books. Along with that, we have a music room that helps the kid to learn their first notes and to familiarize them with the instruments. Not only that, soft classical music will be played will help sooth your kids into their naps. Cameras are installed in every room to help parents monitor their children as well as their activities throughout the day.

Everything we do is to improve and perfect the environment at Kids World so we can maximize the philosophy and our program. Here the kids can express their feelings and experiences and expand their creativity and imagination beyond boundaries.